
NSA Releases Internal 1982 Lecture by Computing Pioneer Rear Admiral Grace Hopper - Today, the National Security Agency (NSA)… (YouTube - The Black Vault Originals)


TWBW Foundations: How God Feeds the World - The day after the Passover, that very day, they… ( - Jordan Raynor)
TWBW Foundations: The Work We’ll Do In Heaven - Yesterday, we saw the climax of Scripture in… ( - Jordan Raynor)
SP 800-63B - NIST Special Publication 800-63B (National Institute of Standards and Technology - National Institute of Standards and Technology)

Why We Shouldn’t Romanticize Failure - We expect people will learn from their setbacks…. (Kellogg Insight - Kaitlin Woolley)
I always found this picture of Steve Jobs in his home office fascinating - Comments ( - Hacker News)

The Well-Architected Architect on Azure - In the dynamic field of cloud computing, the… (Visual Studio Magazine - Features)
Four Stages of Competence - Comments ( - Hacker News)
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