Interesting Links for the Week of Monday, November 25, 2024
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
What is new and interesting in the world of tech, design, and leadership?
The mental stages job seekers go through over time, and the main factors that influence movement and decisions.
How knowing less about a skill or topic gives the impression that you know much more than you really do.
The skill levels people go through - from Advanced Beginner, to Competent, to Expert, and Master.
I just want to see if I can actually do a blog post using Jott, let’s see if this works.
Time to move to a new blog platform - BlogEngine.NET
No, not some weird ritual – but about the most fun you can have with latex tubing and surgical clamps! I hope you’ve all had the chance to tie off the end of...
I have to admit the geek in me thought immediately of how the Wii remote could be used as a cheap 3-axis bluetooth-enabled accelerometer. Until now such a th...
Local AI/LLM goodness for Developers
I have spent the last 15+ years going back and forth between laptops and desktop machines for work and development.My first laptop was in 1991, a PowerBook 1...
A Genealogy app called Family.Show using WPF
This could end up being a really great site – Microsoft has been really going after the student developer and releasing a lot of good tools (e.g. Express ver...
This could end up being a really great site – Microsoft has been really going after the student developer and releasing a lot of good tools (e.g. Express ver...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
A new bird visitor that winters in Michigan - the Junco